Sunday 14 May 2017

Be Quick To Forgive

Forgiveness is not a feeling, it is a choice - it is a decision. 

When we allow dislike and disgust to fester against our spouse due to un-forgiveness we create room for the enemy to destroy the purpose for which God has brought us together. But your spouse is not the real enemy. You must know and understand this so you don't spend your time and energy on the wrong battle, and with wrong enemy. I believe that's why Martin Luther King Jr said "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate..."

When we allow resentment to grow in our heart against our spouse, it soon turns into hatred. When we hate someone, we will naturally despise and criticise them for anything that they do - both good and bad. It is almost like (in our eyes), there's nothing good and acceptable that's coming from them. No matter how much effort they put into making things right with us, we are non receptive because the emotion we feel towards them is filled with resentment. But peace of mind is a near impossibility without the constant willingness to forgive being firmly rooted in the heart.

"Forgiveness says you are given another chance 
to make a new beginning."
                           Desmond Tutu

That chance to make a new beginning allows freshness to flow into the marriage, because it doesn't refer to the past. It doesn't hold the offending spouse captive to their mistakes, but creates a conducive environment for love to bud again.

Desmond Tutu, the South African Social Activist and retired Anglican Bishop said something very profound about forgiveness. He said,

"Without forgiveness, there's no future."

This is far-reaching truth! And it is why we MUST learn to 'Be Quick To Forgive'. 

Like we keep saying on The Marriage Workshop, marriage should not be endured but should be enjoyed!

The Marriage Workshop

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