Wednesday 28 June 2017

Finding Mr Right

Mr Right. Many young ladies are looking for him! They call him The Perfect Man. Have you met him yet?

Many people say he is tall and handsome, others say he has a charming smile with blue eyes. Some others say he is rich, well educated and benevolent. But does he exist in reality? Cause it’s proving hard to find him anywhere!

A similar question was asked on a blog that I was reading the other day and somebody said (rather sarcastically), “Of course Mr Right lives only in harlequin romances. Hmm! Very funny indeed!

It does seem though that despite the fact that many grown up girls have long discarded their Barbie and Ken dolls; the notion of a perfect partner still however remains a fixed state of consciousness to some. So much so that some married women are said to still be waiting for their prince-charming to one day show up and whisk them away to love island. But this is a false expectation that’s supposedly created by these women’s obsession with simulated relationships that they see on TV and movies.

But it’s not just TV and the movies that’s created this unrealistic expectation of Mr Right in the minds of many ladies. Dating sites and social media has also contributed largely to it.

Sometime ago, a prominent dating site in the UK asked about 40,000 of their female subscribers to produce a wish list of who Mr Right is. And they came up with the following:

1.     He’s tall (at least 5ft 10in)
2.     He’s dark
3.     He’s handsome
4.     He has money
5.     He has blue eyes
6.     He owns his own property
7.     He has a university degree
8.     He drives a silver Mercedes
9.     He doesn't smoke
10.  He likes eating out
11.  He likes the cinema
12.  He hates football
13.  He's clean-shaven
14.  He likes pets
15.  He has never been married but has had three serious relationships (and no more than six sexual partners)
16.  He won't have any children
17.  He’s medium build
18.  He weighs about 12st 7lb
19.  He calls his mum several times a day
20.  He’s a good listener
21.  He’s well mannered

That. Ladies and gentlemen is who these 40,000 women believe Mr Right is. Little wonder then that he is very hard to come by. And it’s no surprise that many of these dating sites do not provide real answers for the needs of a lot of the ladies that use their services.

If you find a good guy who will treat you right, value and respect you, then that’s him right there. He may not tick every item on your wish list just like the shoe that’s most comfortable for your feet isn’t always the prettiest one in the shop, but is a good shoe for your legs. It fits you, works for you and doesn’t make you feel uncomfortable when you put it on.

Men are not a list. They are people, and people come in all shapes and sizes, with one imperfection or the other. Hence, you’ve got to realise that love in real life is different to the one in your fantasy world.  

I am yet to meet the woman who married the perfect man (maybe one day I will), but I know a lot of happily married couples who are good together because they’ve learnt to love each other.

The Perfect Man or Mr Right is nothing more than fiction. He doesn’t exist anywhere. If you want to be much happier, look for ‘Mr Good for ME’ not Mr Perfect, or Mr Right. 

“When you stop trying to find the right man and start becoming the right woman, the right man will find his way to you.”
                     Unknown Author

Settle with someone who shares your values, respects you and is willing to go on life’s adventure with you.

One good man, one good man,
it ain’t much – it’s only everything.
                                                             Deborah Kerr

The Marriage Workshop

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