"Love is blind and love can be foolish – Our heart doesn’t always love the right people at the right time.
Sometimes we hurt the ones that love us the most and sometimes we love the ones
that don’t deserve our love at all."
“Love is not blind. Loves sees but does not mind. In fact, love sees more. Love enables you to see your partner in
a way that nobody else can. Love sees everything; the good, the bad, the
strengths and the flaws yet chooses to love.”
really been thinking a lot about this concept of 'love is blind' and my
curiosity led me to asking a number of young adult for their thoughts on the
person said, "Yes, I think love is blind because you are so in love with
the guy that you do not actually think about anything else but spending some
time with him. Sometimes, it's so bad that even when you think he's lying to
you about something, you easily overlook it because you don't want the feeling
you get when you are with him to end." And in conclusion, she said, "So,I think love is blind."
one reported the following: "I knew that my ex was a cheat, but he tells
me he loves me. He buys me stuff and makes me feel like a real woman whenever
I'm with him. When I'm feeling like that, I tend to forget what he has done,
because I think he truly loves me. I don't know for sure if love is blind but I
can only go by the way I feel when I am with him."
a short debate, one of the guys in the group spoke up for the boys, I guess!
"When you love someone, you kind of overlook some of their annoying habits
and imperfections. I guess that’s why people say that love is blind. But it’s
not because you cannot see these annoying habits, you do see them but you
decide to not be bothered by them because of the love you have for the

I like what Bertrand Russell, the British logician and
mathematician said about love. He said, “The good life is one inspired by
love and guided by knowledge.”
The feeling of love towards a person should be an incentive to want to be
with them, but the knowledge of the person they are (substance and integrity)
must guide our decision whether to remain with them or not. This I think is
more concrete and a better safeguard from broken heartedness.
Ricardo Montalban lived 89 long years and his marriage to Georgiana Young lasted six decades and 3 years. You could liken him to the George Clooney of his generation. He said,
Ricardo Montalban lived 89 long years and his marriage to Georgiana Young lasted six decades and 3 years. You could liken him to the George Clooney of his generation. He said,
love doesn't happen right away; it's an ever-growing process. It develops after
you've gone through many ups and downs, when you've suffered together, cried
together, laughed together.”
There’s a word that is used synonymously for love.
That word is ‘infatuation’. It usually implies a sense of obsession with
something; a craze for or a fixation with… But it is by no means love. It is
always almost short lived and if anything, is a shadow of what love is. Wherever
you find it, you see a complete and utter loss of cognition in the mind of the
infatuated person.
Could this be what people mean when they quip ‘Love
is blind’? Perhaps!
I think the greatest paragraph ever written about
love can be found in one of the books of Paul, which he wrote to the Corinthian
Here’s how he described love,
Here’s how he described love,
Love is
patient; love is kind, it isn’t jealous,
doesn’t brag, it isn’t arrogant, it isn’t rude,
doesn’t seek its own advantage, it isn’t irritable,
doesn’t keep a record of complaints,
isn’t happy with injustice, but it is happy with the truth. Love
puts up with all things, trusts in all things, hopes for all things, endures
all things.
Love never fails…
Love never fails…
I Corinthians 13:4-6a (CEB)
It doesn’t get any clearer than this, I don’t think! This kind of love cannot be blind, but it is real. It is not a shadowy infatuation that tends to cause regrets and heartbreaks to so many people. It is inspiring, intentional and indisputable.
me! Love isn’t blind. People may be blinded by infatuation, but love is
definitely not blind.
Loves sees but doesn’t mind. In fact, everything is within its full glare; the
good, the bad, the strengths and the flaws yet it chooses to keep on loving.
The Marriage Workshop
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