Monday 31 July 2017

Fighting For Your Marriage

Divorce for most couples can be very stressful and damaging. It isn't something you'd want to wish on your enemy. It can make people's heart to be bitter and resentful toward each other, such that two people that once shared love and togetherness end up hating each other.

This is not God's will for marriage!

In fact, did you know that God did not make any plans for divorce? No He didn't! He didn't because it wasn't part of the constitution that He wrote for His kingdom. Please note that the kingdom we mean here is not necessary a church denomination or organisation. Rather, we are referring to The Kingdom of God that's enshrined by the undiluted teachings of The Bible, not a church doctrine that's been cherrypicked to excuse the inordinate behaviour of some so-called preachers. Who have bastardised the gospel just so they can advance their lustful and carnal nature.

But on The Marriage Workshop, we encourage people to "shut the door against divorce." Not because we don't appreciate that it can be very difficult at times to do this, but because we know through our direct experience with a number of couples that love lost temporarily can be doubtless redeemed. Especially when the couples are willing to give their marriage a chance. This is why we exist as a platform. To help facilitate the needed repairs in troubled marriages.

Many marriages have been saved from the brink of divorce through patiently working with couples to come to a place of total forgiveness and subsequent healing. Though sometimes, working through the issues that chokes happiness and joy in these marriages can be quite challenging for everyone involved. Nevertheless, it's always refreshing when you see things come back to normal, after some time. Now, imagine if divorce was the only option available to these couples, they would have joined the record books of those marriages that failed, yet again.

It may not be viable to save all troubled marriages from divorce, but it is fair to say that nearly all troubled marriages have a good chance of survival, giving the right therapy. And this is one reason why we promote temporary separation.

Having said that, we note that many people completely misunderstand the concept of temporary separation. Some people think it is all about one party moving out of the matrimonial home so they can live apart from their spouse with very little contact. Others think it is when couples live apart from each other yet maintaining some form of active or constant liaison with one another. Just that they do not share the same house for the time being.

These types of arrangements might look like temporary separation but they aren’t.

Essentially, a proper temporary separation is a process that is well managed and phased under the guidance or facilitation of a qualified counsellor. It must have an end; a goal and an objective that each party is committed to seeing happen. Because without equal commitment from the couple, the desired result may be difficult to achieve. Therefore, any other type of arrangement, which deviates from this principle may well be a show that the couple are not committed to mending the marriage, and are simply looking for an excuse to get out of it.

So, don't let divorce be your only option. You can fight for your marriage. You can find the love for your husband or wife that may somehow be lost. You can rekindle the fire in your relationship.

If that marriage is truly yours, then it's worth fighting for!

The Marriage Workshop. 

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